Linda Reid, Grants Specialist

Linda Reid is a joyful educator who loves teaching and learning in ways that nurture, inspire, and challenge. She believes everyone has genius and the primary job of educators is to recognize the sparks of genius in others and ignite their passion for learning.

She is grateful for a wide and wonderful range of experiences throughout her career; starting as a public school teacher specializing in Gifted and Talented, Special Education, and elementary education in Florida, Connecticut and Georgia. She has had the honor of creating a differentiated new teacher induction program as well as an alternate route to certification program as a public school district HR coordinator, supervised student teachers for UNG's Exceptional Child/Elementary Education dual degree program and has been steeped in program and curriculum design, universal design and professional learning, and teacher leadership.

Over her time with STE(A)M Truck, Linda has also served as the Deputy Director, Chief Operating Officer, and Director of Curriculum for STE(A)M Truck. Currently, she loves being able to focus on funding our mission for the long-term through grant-writing.

Linda holds a BS in Special Education and MA in Educational Psychology. She loves museums, all things space, and spending time with her family and friends.